If you need some log house inspiration, Pioneer Log Homes Midwest are the place to look. Pioneer Log Homes Midwest initially works with your log house design, budget and pricing. After the cabin building, final plans are created by Pioneer’s experienced design team, with the preliminary log house construction taking place on one of four Pioneer log yards near Williams Lake, British Columbia. After details are honed to perfection, the logs for your log house are tagged and transported to the building site. They arrange for transportation, crane and set crew. Their quality log house designs have excellent access to the worlds finest strands of Pine, Spruce, Fir and Western Red Cedar.

Western Red Cedar is one of the most popular types of logs used with Pioneer Log Homes. When it comes to cabin buildings and log house designs, Western Red Cedar is a popular choice of wood to use. There are several benefits to building with Western Red Cedar, and its unsurpassed natural beauty is just one reason. Western Red Cedar is a naturally stunning building material that has aesthetically pleasing deep, tonal properties that help to accentuate the richly textured wood grains and the exposed heartwood. People have been using Western Red Cedar for hundreds, and it’s no wonder with its proven performance. It is a wood that is environmentally friendly, naturally resistant to both decay and insects.
Western Red Cedar used in wood cabins and log house designs accepts a wide variety of finishes. And the best part about building with wood is that it comes from renewable resources. Western Red Cedar is both pitch and resin-free, which means that this wood can hold a variety of finishes to include semi-transparent stains, shabby chic bleaches, traditional solid colors, naturally beautiful semi-transparent and elegant dark stains. This wood is also incredibly durable and will prove to keep your wood cabin or log house design attractive for years to come.
Western Red Cedar is a building material that has a long history of proven performance. For centuries, Western Red Cedar is a wood that has long been celebrated by the First Nations of the Pacific Northwest Coast as the Tree of Life, and it has been used to help build longhouses, totem poles and canoes. Hundreds of years later and western red cedar continues to be a preferred building material for wood cabins, cabin building and log house designs. Western Red Cedar is naturally durable. Western red cedar has a reputation for being a naturally durable wood which makes it perfect for all outdoor projects. The wood is lightweight and is valued for its high natural resistance and decay properties.
It is also less susceptible to moisture, insect damage and fungi growth. Western Red Cedar in log home designs is also water damage resistant and can successfully weather long periods of heavy rain and other extreme weather conditions to include snow, hail and strong winds. Western Red Cedar has twice the stability of other popular conifers. Red cedar maintains it’s original dimensions when the wood is subjected to weather fluctuations and can resist twisting, cupping and warping.