It Started Out as an Ordinary Garage … It Became a Stunning Tiny House

What do most of us do after getting a divorce? Cry a lot—and look for a way to move on with our lives and begin rebuilding. In the case of one inspiring lady named Michelle de la Vega, it meant literally building a new home—out of an old garage.

It Started Out as an Ordinary Garage … It Became a Stunning Tiny House
Michelle had receive a settlement from the divorce. That meant she had cash to spend. So she bought a house for $208,000, which came with a garage.

She knew that she needed to do something to stay on her feet financially though, so she made a surprising decision. She would not live in the house. She would rent it out. Instead, she would live in the garage.

Michelle decided to renovate the garage so that it would function as a beautiful tiny house, a place where she would truly feel at home.

It Started Out as an Ordinary Garage … It Became a Stunning Tiny House
Lacking the time and expertise to convert the garage herself, she chose to contract the work out. It took nine months for the project to be completed.

Along with the wood-burning stove in the previous picture, the house now includes a functional kitchen:

It Started Out as an Ordinary Garage … It Became a Stunning Tiny House