Celebrating the Life of a 91-Year-Old Woman Who Took a Road Trip Instead of Cancer Treatment

Penguins fan ~ Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The Hawks cheerleaders loved Miss Norma ~ Atlanta Hawks-Phillips Arena

Let freedom ring at the Liberty Bell ~ Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

World’s Largest Boot ~ Freeport, Maine

Making faces at seals ~ Georgia Aquarium

Savannah, Georgia

Making new friends at Yellowstone National Park

Norma Jean Bauerschmidt passed away at 91 years old on September 30, 2016, in her bed on-board the RV. Although their road journey was not over, Norma’s time on Earth was lived to the fullest up until the end. Per her request, she will be cremated and buried in Michigan beside Leo, her husband of 67 years. She will be remembered by so many, and has left a long path of footprints to follow for those she inspired.

Driving Miss Norma: Facebook
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