Can you believe this stunning cabin was built in only 10 days? The wood cabins from Dubldom are available in a few different sizes and designs and crafted out of high-quality materials. This is the company’s largest home design at the moment and would work well as a cabin or a home. It allows for up to 3 to 4 bedrooms, two bathrooms, an office space, hallway, a laundry room, living room and a kitchen. The central living room allows you to put the master bedroom and the other bedrooms on opposite sides for more privacy. The versatile home design allows you to position your home in many different ways so that you have a nice view on all sides of the home. This particular home design would take around 4 to 6 months to construct. Each of the homes comes with insulated floors, insulated walls and roof. They also come with nice wooden windows and doors. The windows in this home design are nice and large in the living room allowing lots of light and beautiful views in. There are also some nice skylights throughout the homes as well. Also in the living room is some built-in shelving which is always nice, as well as a woodburning fireplace to warm the cabin or home.

The bathrooms can come with just a shower or a bathtub, a vanity with a sink and a toilet, plus in floor heating which is always nice in the bathroom. Dubldom houses also feature snow covers and rainwater systems which is great. Since they build all of the wood cabins and homes themselves this ensures high quality, and you also save time because you won’t need to search for builders, building materials, and you won’t need to do any of the work either. Their expert craftsmen build the homes in their factory and then they are very simple to assemble once they reach the building site. So that’s how you’re able to have a cabin or home of your own built in as little as 4 days. The company also uses all natural materials including the beautiful wood you see in their home designs. This company is focused on reducing CO2 emissions by optimizing their production. Also, since all of the materials they use are renewable they cab disassemble previous builds they’ve done and used the materials for other projects. When building their homes, they’re also careful not to disturb the environment on the property either, and the homes are designed to be very energy efficient as well.
DublDom home designs can be used as a temporary home while you’re constructing a larger home, or they can be used as wood cabins for recreational purposes. While these gorgeous homes are mainly available in Russia and the Czech Republic, you can still use their home designs as inspiration for your own wood cabin or home design ideas. With a simple, single floor unit like this, you’d also be able to add onto the house in the future if you wanted or needed to. You could also build a smaller home design on a basement foundation that could be finished with bedrooms and living space. The first step in building a home or cabin of your own is to get as many ideas as you can for your own designs. Look around online and see which home designs appeal most to you, or drive around in your area and see which houses you like best. Then you can start drawing out your own plans. Enjoy looking at the home designs from Dubldom and see how great these modular style wood cabins can be.