This charming small cottage home is a Thoreau Cabin Replica in a 150 square foot design. The stone tiny house building is located in New Hampshire and is based on the small house design that Thoreau lived in for two years, two months, and two days that he spent at Walden Pond. Henry David Thoreau was An American author, poet, naturalist, philosopher, abolitionist, tax resister, development critic, surveyor, and historian. The book Life in the Woods is the book that Thoreau recounts this time in his life and is a reflection about simple living in natural surroundings. The book is part of his declaration of independence, social experiment, satire, a voyage of spiritual discovery, and manual for self-reliance. The small house design is also where Thoreau wrote his first book, A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers. Thoreau hoped that by immersing himself in nature, he might gain a more objective understanding of society through personal introspection. Simple living and self-sufficiency were also his goals, and the whole writing project was inspired by transcendentalist philosophy, which is a central theme of the American Romantic Period. This small cottage home was not in the wilderness but at the edge of town, which was about two miles away from his family home.

You will fall in love with this small cottage home with an exterior made of stone, with a wooden interior, fireplace and lots of windows to let in the natural light. This simple small designer home is lovely with a flower garden outside and a certain elegance making it one of the best small home plans you will see. Some of the small cottage home plans are built out of stone. You will find stone home designs in different locations around the world. There are a certain charm and unique appeal in a tiny house building or architectural design that is made with stone, a natural building material that is characteristic of the area that the home design is built. In many parts around the world, architectural designs are built out of stone. And while you will find several small cottage homes built using stone, you will also find castles, palaces and luxury home designs also built from stone.

You will find some of the oldest unique tiny house designs in the world are made of stone. You will also find tiny house buildings that are circular houses with walls made of flat stone slabs that are laid carefully on each other. The walls in the unique small house plan slope inwards slightly to meet in a stone roof. Other prehistoric types of buildings are stone designs with roofs made of thatch, with the stone that can be broken into flat slabs. Often the wind will blow through the gaps in the home, so the walls will also need timber or render on the inside of the walls, to keep out the cold and wet weather.

This Thoreau inspired small cottage home is just one of the ways you can incorporate stone into your building design. Using stone in a small cottage home for small house living offers many benefits. Stone is versatile and available in a wide range of colors, textures and styles. This helps to give homeowners a lot of freedom, as well as giving you a chance to select from several architectural design styles all within the realm of stone. You can find granite-block stone exteriors that are appropriate for Georgian and Federal-style homes, while limestone used on the exterior can create home designs that resemble castles or European country homes. Another option is unfinished field stones that work well in the walls of small cottage homes and Prairie home designs. This is just one of the builds you will find from Bensonwood.


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