Prepare to be amazed when you see this $$85,400 Stunning Mountain View Log Home from Coventry Log Homes. A gorgeous home at a decent price, made with beautiful, high quality materials. Building a log home is made easy when you go with a prefab log home kit like this one. You can build it yourself, and maybe even save some money along the way. Prefabricated or, Prefab log home building kits are an awesome option for building an affordable, quality home. Prefab housing has been around since the early 1900s, in North America, Sears and Aladdin were key distributers in the prefabricated kit industry, as well as the Eaton’s company. The Eaton’s company sold hundreds of prefab house kits in Western Canada and some of them even still stand today. There was a free catalogue that was mailed out to people who wanted to see the houses, and then, if they decided on a house, blueprints cost about $2 to order. People would build a house on the same lot of land as their family members, and the houses cost around $600 to $1000 for an average sized house. That would be an incredible deal these days.
All of the lumber was from British Columbia, and the building headquarters was in Winnipeg, so the wood would be shipped out on the train and then taken to the factory to be milled and made into the prefab home kits. The most popular houses were the one and a half story bungalow houses from their collection. One of the Eaton’s houses that’s still standing is known as the Art Dunlap house which is close to a town called Harris in Saskatchewan Canada. Built in 1910 and still standing, proves that these prefab structures can stand the test of time, not to mention the harsh winds and winters that Saskatchewan is known for. Aladdin houses are also well known across Canada, and can still be found here and there. You may even live in one of the prefab houses from that era. You can actually check out the models online to see if any of them match your home’s design.
Fast-forward to today, and we have companies distributing log house and cabin kits all over the world. Most of these prefab log home building kits can be built on your own, with some assistance from others and that is what makes them so desirable, is that you don’t need extensive carpentry knowledge or know how to build these houses. Coventry Log Homes company does not offer building assistance, however, they can direct you to a log home builder that would be able to assemble it for you. Having a professional contractor would help to speed up the process on your log house build but it will also cost extra, so it just depends on the budget. Just like the stick frame prefab houses, log home building kits have been known to stand for a long time. Logs are an especially strong building material with so much built-in durability. There are log houses in Europe that have been standing for 500 years or sometimes more. Coventry Log Homes is a well known, family owned and operated log home building company serving the US, and they are passionate about helping people find the perfect log home for their lifestyle. Even if you’re not looking to buy a log house kit, looking at the different models and floor plans can be interesting and inspiring. Maybe someday, you might like to build a log house of your own, and it will come in handy to know of a great company like Coventry Log Homes.***
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