I Never Thought I Wanted To Live In A Granny Pod Until I Saw These Photos

Rather than missing important family events because they struggle to do everyday tasks, elderly people with kids that own a home now have a far better option. While not everyone has a kid that has a backyard that can fit a tiny home like this, those that do will probably find it a preferable option for a potentially abusive nursing home.

While not all nursing homes have proven abuse, enough of it happens that kids should be concerned about their parent’s well-being. Always ensure that your parents are being cared for by trustworthy and loving providers. If not, spend your hard-earned money getting them coverage somewhere that hires caretakers that actually, you know… care about their patients.

These granny pods can be beautiful, functional and spacious if made the right way. It all depends on how much money you are willing to put into it – but one thing is for sure. They are far more affordable than any conventional home or nursing home by far.

Wives and husbands with invasive mothers- and fathers-in-law beware. Your worst nightmare might be coming true – right in your own backyard!

Would you ever consider living in a tiny home like this, no matter your age? Share in the comments!