308 Square Foot House with Glass-Top Roof for Sale in Louisville, KY

Past the kitchen is a small carpeted area that can be used as a living area or even as a third sleeping area. The loft bedroom is above it and is accessed by a wide staircase.
308 Square Foot House with Glass-Top Roof for Sale in Louisville, KY
308 Square Foot House with Glass-Top Roof for Sale in Louisville, KY
The loft is bright with room for a queen-sized bed. An octagon-shaped window lets sunlight in and rails on the wall help you move around with ease.

308 Square Foot House with Glass-Top Roof for Sale in Louisville, KY
The large bathroom is accessed by the second staircase inside the front door and features a cabinet with a porcelain sink in front of a large window. There’s also a full-sized toilet with the water heater above it and a large corner shower with glass doors.